Journal Information
Journal ID (publisher-id): BM
Journal ID (nlm-ta): Biochem Med
Title: Biochemia Medica
Abbreviated Title: Biochem. Med.
ISSN (print): 1330-0962
ISSN (electronic): 1846-7482
Publisher: Croatian Society of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine
Article Information
Copyright: 2016, Croatian Society of Medical Biochemistry
Date received: 05 February 2016
Date accepted: 26 April 2016
Publication date (print and electronic): 10 June 2016
Volume: 26
Issue: 2
Pages: 150-163
Publisher ID: bm-26-150
DOI: 10.11613/BM.2016.015
Understanding the effect size and its measures
Author notes:
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The evidence based medicine paradigm demands scientific reliability, but modern research seems to overlook it sometimes. The power analysis represents a way to show the meaningfulness of findings, regardless to the emphasized aspect of statistical significance. Within this statistical framework, the estimation of the effect size represents a means to show the relevance of the evidences produced through research. In this regard, this paper presents and discusses the main procedures to estimate the size of an effect with respect to the specific statistical test used for hypothesis testing. Thus, this work can be seen as an introduction and a guide for the reader interested in the use of effect size estimation for its scientific endeavour.
Keywords: biostatistics; statistical data analysis; statistical data interpretation