Editorial, Volume 22, October, Issue 3
KEYWORDS: scientific misconduct; plagiarism; editorial policies
Simone Zerah, Janet Murray, Andrea Rita Horvath
Editorial, Volume 22, October, Issue 3
KEYWORDS: laboratory medicine; polyvalent; sub-specialized; profession name
Editorial, Volume 22, October, Issue 3
KEYWORDS: quantity; nomenclature; terminology; taxonomy; property
Lessons in biostatistics, Volume 22, October, Issue 3
KEYWORDS: kappa; reliability; rater; interrater
Review, Volume 22, October, Issue 3
KEYWORDS: peptide YY (PYY); glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1); glucagon; ghrelin; bariatric surgery; obesity
Renata Zadro, Desiree Coen Herak
Review, Volume 22, October, Issue 3
KEYWORDS: prothrombotic risk factors; childhood arterial ischemic stroke; ischemnic perinatal stroke; cerebral sinovenous thrombosis
Review, Volume 22, October, Issue 3
KEYWORDS: hepcidin; hemojuvelin; iron metabolism
Emmanuel J. Favaloro, Giuseppe Lippi
Review, Volume 22, October, Issue 3
KEYWORDS: haemostasis; coagulation; laboratory tests; anticoagulants; anti-thrombotics; Dabigatran; Rivaroxaban.
Gabriel Lima-Oliveira, Giuseppe Lippi, Gian Luca Salvagno, Martina Montagnana, Geraldo Picheth, Gian Cesare Guidi
Original papers, Volume 22, October, Issue 3
KEYWORDS: phlebotomy; blood specimen collection; tourniquet application time; CLSI documents; pre-analytic variability; extra- analytical variability
Eva Fliser, Ksenija Jerkovic, Tanja Vidovic, Maksimilijan Gorenjak
Original papers, Volume 22, October, Issue 3
KEYWORDS: hyperlipidemia; multiple myeloma; paraproteins; immunoglobulins; artifacts
Zoltan Locsei, Istvan Szabolcs, Karoly Racz, Gabor L. Kovacs, Dora Horvath, Erzsebet Toldy
Original papers, Volume 22, October, Issue 3
KEYWORDS: antibody interference; thyroglobulin; thyroglobulin antibodies; assay
Luigi M. Castello, Sophie Negro, Francesca Santi, Isabella Zanotti, Matteo Vidali, Marco Bagnati, Giorgio Bellomo, Gian Carlo Avanzi
Case report, Volume 22, October, Issue 3
KEYWORDS: heavy chain disease; arthritis; rheumatoid; immunoglobulin gamma-chains; electrophoresis; electrophoresis; capillary
Luigi M. Castello, Sophie Negro, Francesca Santi, Isabella Zanotti, Matteo Vidali, Marco Bagnati, Giorgio Bellomo, Gian Carlo Avanzi
Case report, Volume 22, October, Issue 3
KEYWORDS: digitalis glycosides/poisoning; digitoxin; digoxin antibodies Fab fragments; digitoxin/toxicity; digitoxin/analysis
Symposium abstracts, Volume 22, October, Issue 3
Symposium abstracts, Volume 22, October, Issue 3
Index of authors and list of reviewers, Volume 22, October, Issue 3
Index of authors and list of reviewers, Volume 22, October, Issue 3